

An extraction is the removal of a damaged or diseased tooth. Sometimes, removing the tooth is a better option than performing a root canal, especially when the latter cannot save the tooth. In these cases, we recommend extraction and replacement with a dental implant. The implant acts as the root of a new tooth that looks and feels just like a natural tooth.

We may recommend extracting a tooth if:

  • The patient has extensive decay that cannot be repaired with fillings or crowns.
  • There is a high risk of the infection spreading to other teeth.
  • An infection is present in the tooth that cannot be resolved by a root canal.
  • A baby tooth is not falling out, as it should make room for the permanent tooth.

Before removing a tooth, we’ll take an X-ray to determine the best way to remove the tooth. Removing the tooth is a simple procedure that can generally be completed in less than an hour. Following the removal, we’ll discuss options for replacing the missing tooth. The most common options include dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures. Depending on how many teeth are missing in the smile, we may recommend replacing more than one tooth at a time.

What Happens During My Tooth Extraction Appointment?

Dr. Gonzalez will gently numb the area surrounding your tooth to prevent pain. If you would like to be sedated, we can discuss sedation options. Dr. Gonzalez will commonly place a bone graft following an extraction, as it will decrease inflammation and pain and significantly reduce the risk of dry sockets. We will administer local anesthesia before beginning the procedure, but if you experience any pain during the procedure, let Dr. Gonzalez know immediately so that they can take any necessary measures to relieve your pain. 

What Is Included in the Aftercare?

After your extraction is complete, you’ll need to bite down on a gauze pad for 30 minutes to limit any bleeding that may occur. You should avoid smoking for at least seven days and drinking through a straw to help keep the blood clot that forms in your socket in place. Placing ice after a surgical procedure can reduce inflammation and post-op sensitivity. While your mouth will be sore after your procedure, you can take over-the-counter pain medications as needed to manage discomfort. Discomfort should improve after a few days. However, if you’re still experiencing pain and/or bleeding after a few days, contact our office to schedule an appointment to discuss additional treatment options.

Get in touch with Darren Gonzalez, DDS, at 1515 Montgomery Drive Ste B, Santa Rosa, CA 95405, or call (707) 542-1532 for the best dental care tailored to your unique needs.


1515 Montgomery Drive Ste B,
Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed