
How is Extraction Performed

Posted by Darren Gonzalez Dec 21,2022

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What You Need To Know About Dental CT Scans
What You Need To Know About Dental CT Scans

Dental cone beam computed tomography (CT) scans allow doctors to see problems that aren’t visible during a regular dental examination. They’re also useful when dentists need extra information about a patient’s teeth or jaws. WHAT IS A DENTAL CT SCAN? A CT scan is an advanced imaging technique that uses X-rays to take detailed pictures of the entire mouth, including the teeth, jawbone, and sinuses. CT scans provide 3D images of your facial structures instead of just a flat two-dimensional image like a traditional X-ray. These images allow the dentist to see your teeth, gums, and other oral structures in much greater detail than with regular X-rays. This information can help your dentist detect concerns or issues that may be hiding below the surface of your smile and plan the best treatment for you. Dentists use CT scans for a variety of purposes. For some patients, the dentist may recommend the scan if they suspect they have hidden tooth decay. The scans can expose areas of decay that would have been otherwise invisible to the naked eye. Patients who need a dental implant also often need to have a CT scan taken to ensure that the implant can be placed in the correct spot. The scan allows the dentist to have a better picture of both the areas where a tooth is missing and the areas where bone has receded to create room for the implant. They can then use these images to plan the precise placement of the dental implant. For patients with sleep apnea or other sleep breathing disorders, a CT scan can be used to help the dentist assess the airway space and determine the best form of treatment. While CT scans are beneficial in providing the dentist with more information, they still require the use of radiation. To keep you as safe as possible during your procedure, your dentist may ask you to remove any jewelry or dental work from the area being scanned. You’ll also want to avoid using any tobacco products for at least an hour before your exam. This helps to minimize the amount of radiation that reaches your body during the examination. If you’re pregnant, it’s best to avoid having a scan altogether to avoid any unnecessary risk to the baby’s health. If you have any other health concerns or if you are having an exam done specifically for dental implants, you’ll want to let your dentist know DENTAL CT SCANS VS. X-RAYS (RADIOGRAPHS) While dental X-rays and CT scans are often confused, there are major differences between these two scans. Both provide your dentist with valuable information about your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissue. However, the two different types of scans are quite different in certain ways. Dental X-rays are an older technology than CT scans because they use film while CT scans use digital imaging. Many patients find CT scanning to be more comfortable because no film is used and no radiation exposure is required. Additionally, the detailed images and data captured by a CT scan aid dentists in diagnosis and treatment planning. Most people are familiar with x-rays from when they visit the dentist for a check-up or a cavity filling. These images help show how your mouth is changing over time or when a cavity is forming. Sometimes, a panoramic x-ray is taken to see the full mouth at once, which can be helpful for patients with braces or other orthodontic appliances. On the other hand, a CT scan gives a more detailed view of specific regions of your teeth for diagnosis and treatment planning purposes. A CT scan provides many images of the teeth, jawbone, sinus cavities, and other structures all at the same time so that your doctor has all the data they need to make a diagnosis and determine the best treatment options for you. For example, if a patient needs a root canal, a 3D scan will reveal the shape of the tooth’s roots and canals, allowing the dentist to accurately remove the affected pulp. This can help avoid complications such as nerve damage to the jaw. Dentists often use dental x-rays and a CT scan together to help diagnose conditions in their early stages when they are more easily treatable. To learn more or to schedule an appointment at Krause Dental in Phoenix, AZ call 602-483-6530 today! Author Bio:Dr. Daniel L. Krause earned his DMD HOW SAFE ARE DENTAL CT SCANS? Fast, painless CT scans make it possible to see even the tiniest details of your teeth and jaw’s structure. When the scan is complete, the images are sent to our computer where they can be magnified or rotated for a better view. These scans are incredibly safe because they use radiation technology that’s similar to that used in cancer screenings. The radiation dose is minimal compared to the benefits you receive from the dentist’s detailed view of your mouth. In fact, you might receive more radiation exposure from one flight to Los Angeles than you would get from a CT scan! You might also feel some discomfort while the scan is being taken. This is normal and will go away as soon as the scan is over. Also, be sure to tell your dentist if you are pregnant because x-rays will be avoided during this time. Call Total Dental Care of South Carolina in Greenville today to schedule an appointment for your dental CT scan!

How is Extraction Performed
How is Extraction Performed

Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars that usually grow in between the ages of 17 and 25. Not everyone has wisdom teeth, and some people are not even born with wisdom teeth. If you do have wisdom teeth, they can cause problems if they grow in crooked or misaligned. WHAT IS A TOOTH EXTRACTION? Teeth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures we perform at our clinic. Tooth extractions are common for children and adults with damaged or decaying teeth, and may also be performed for orthodontic purposes. There are several reasons a tooth may need to be extracted. These include severe tooth decay that cannot be restored with a filling, extreme tooth damage due to trauma or disease, impacted wisdom teeth that are damaging other healthy teeth and need to be removed, or an overcrowded mouth that could benefit from the removal of a few permanent teeth. Our dentists can provide a professional consultation to determine whether an extraction is necessary. Depending on the location of the affected tooth, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia. Most patients report little to no pain and feel much more comfortable during the procedure when a local numbing agent is used. The treatment area will be completely numbed so the patient does not experience any pain throughout the procedure. Local anesthesia is very safe and produces long-lasting results. Once the procedure is over, the patient should be able to return to their normal routine almost immediately. Some patients may experience swelling and minor discomfort in the gums near the extraction site, but these issues should be temporary and resolve within a few days of the procedure. Patients should schedule a follow-up appointment with our dentist to ensure the area heals properly. If a patient is in need of more than one extraction, additional sedation methods may be used to ensure the patient is comfortable and relaxed during the longer procedures. With the proper dental care and professional cleanings, the treated teeth can be improved with regular brushing and flossing practices. Patients who have too much damage to their teeth may want to consider replacing their missing tooth with an implant to prevent future oral health complications. Resource Box At Dental Care of Frisco, we offer comprehensive dental services to help our patients maintain optimal oral health and a beautiful smile. Our services include general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry WHY IS A TOOTH EXTRACTION PERFORMED? A tooth may need to be extracted if it has become severely decayed and cannot be repaired with a filling or other treatment. Other reasons for a tooth’s extraction include advanced gum disease, crowding, and impaction due to misalignment of the teeth. Tooth extractions are a routine procedure with a very high rate of success. At your consultation appointment, Dr. Honig will discuss your options for restoring your smile following an extraction. Your treatment plan may include dental implants or a bridge to replace missing teeth. We may recommend orthodontic treatment to correct misalignment and improve function. If you are considering extraction, be sure to call our dental office today to schedule your consultation with our experienced dentist. We look forward to caring for your oral health! WHAT HAPPENS DURING MY TOOTH EXTRACTION APPOINTMENT? Your dentist will numb the area surrounding your tooth to prevent pain, and then he or she will begin to remove the tooth by loosening it and wiggling it back and forth until it’s loose enough to come out. Once removed, your dentist will cover the extracted area with gauze to help stop the bleeding. In some cases, if the bone surrounding the tooth is very soft or brittle, your dentist may break the tooth into several pieces in order to remove it. If you experience any pain during the procedure, let your dentist know immediately so that he or she can take any necessary measures to relieve your pain. After your extraction is complete, you’ll need to bite down on a gauze pad for 30 minutes to limit any bleeding that may occur. You should also avoid eating for at least an hour after your procedure and avoid drinking through a straw for 24 hours in order to help keep the blood clot that forms in your socket strong and healthy. If your bleeding won’t stop after the 30-minute mark, call your dentist for a follow-up appointment, as prolonged bleeding can cause complications in the healing process. While your mouth will be sore after your procedure, you can take over-the-counter pain medications as needed to manage discomfort. Discomfort should improve after about a day; however, if you’re still experiencing pain after a few days, contact your dentist to schedule an appointment to discuss additional treatment options. For more information about tooth extraction and other dental procedures, contact the office of Dr. Tom Meyer today. Our friendly team of professionals can help you schedule a consultation with us at your earliest convenience. Call our office today at (815) 653-5666 to schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist in Rockford! After my extraction, what happens? After a tooth extraction, you will likely be experiencing a significant amount of pain or discomfort. When your dentist suggests that you have a tooth extracted, it means the loose or broken tooth needs to be removed from your mouth as soon as possible to prevent infection or disease from spreading. Your dentist will start the procedure by applying a local anesthesia to the treatment site to numb your teeth and gums. Next, they will create a small hole in your gum line to access the affected tooth and prepare it for the extraction. Once your tooth is exposed, your dentist will use a special instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth from the socket and gently remove the tooth. Finally, the dentist will gently pack gauze into the socket to control the bleeding and help your gums heal faster. You should be able to eat soft foods after a tooth extraction although you should avoid anything too chewy or crunchy that could irritate the treatment area and cause more pain. You should avoid smoking or drinking from a straw for the first few days after your procedure as this can cause additional trauma to your healing gums. Drinking plenty of water and taking over-the-counter pain medication can help reduce your pain and swelling. If you are experiencing pain that makes it difficult to chew, speak, or drink properly, you should call your dentist right away to schedule a follow-up appointment. They will be able to determine whether you need an extraction or whether another procedure such as a root canal would be a better option. Another dental visit should be scheduled within a few weeks of your tooth extraction so your dentist can keep an eye on the healing process and make sure that everything is progressing as expected. - Wisdom Dental ( TIPS FOR A HEALTHY SMILE AFTER A TOOTH EXTRACTION - Eat a soft diet for the first few days after extraction to avoid irritating the gums. Yogurt, mashed potatoes and applesauce are good foods to eat following an extraction. - Refrain from smoking or using tobacco products for at least three days after the procedure. Tobacco products can delay the healing process and create complications like dry socket. - Use an ice pack to alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling for the first few hours after your procedure. Running cold water over the area or applying a cold compress can also help with swelling and pain.

Why Should You Whiten Your Teeth at the Dentist?
Why Should You Whiten Your Teeth at the Dentist?

At Darren Gonzalez DDS, patients can achieve a whiter smile in just one visit to our dentist’s office or whiten their teeth at home using custom teeth whitening trays. There are many benefits to having an even brighter smile, including looking younger and more attractive to others. Many patients choose teeth whitening because the discoloration on their teeth gives them an aged appearance that makes them look older. This can boost patients' self-esteem and confidence and help them feel better about their appearance. Whiter teeth also lead to healthier teeth. When teeth are whiter, it shows the patient’s gums better, identifying possible gum disease before it becomes a significant problem. This can lead to a healthier mouth overall. Patients with healthy mouths are less susceptible to other health problems like heart disease and diabetes. HOW DOES TOOTH WHITENING WORK? Teeth can become discolored over time due to several reasons. One primary reason is the natural aging process, which can leave your teeth looking less bright or vibrant than in youth. Drinking coffee, tea, wine, or dark beverages can stain teeth. Other causes of discoloration include smoking, taking certain medications, and trauma to the mouth. Whitening is a painless and straightforward procedure that can brighten your smile by several shades in a single visit. Your dentist will first clean your teeth. Then they will apply a special gel to the surface of the teeth. The gel contains an active ingredient that breaks down the molecules that cause stains and makes the teeth appear whiter. Finally, the dentist will use a laser to activate the gel and enhance its effect. The entire treatment typically takes less than one hour to complete. Your dentist may recommend professional whitening several times yearly for the best results. THE ADVANTAGES OF PROFESSIONAL TEETH WHITENING There are many advantages of professional teeth whitening over over-the-counter products. Professionally whitened teeth can last longer, and the process can be fully customized for every patient’s unique needs. Whitening treatments in a dental office are highly personalized to your needs and provide long-lasting results. Our in-office treatments are more effective than store-bought kits and gel strips for a few reasons. First and foremost, the bleaching agents in our office are more potent than those available over the counter. Additionally, our treatments are often custom-blended to match each patient’s unique needs. Lastly, the process is monitored by trained professionals to detect and prevent any complications before they occur. A professional whitening treatment is safe for teeth and gums. To learn more about the benefits of professional teeth whitening procedures, visit Darren Gonzalez DDS at 1515 Montgomery Drive Ste B, Santa Rosa, CA 95405, or call (707) 542-1532.

How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction
How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction

A tooth can be pulled for a number of reasons, including severe tooth decay, infection, or injury. While the thought of having a tooth pulled may seem scary, it’s really not as bad as it sounds. Your natural smile will be completely restored afterward! The dentists at Darren Gonzalez DDS want to help you restore your beautiful smile as quickly as possible.  PREPARING FOR YOUR EXTRACTION PROCEDURE During your visit, your doctor will administer a local anesthetic to numb your mouth and jaw for your comfort. After treatment, you will receive detailed aftercare instructions from our team. These steps can help to reduce swelling and pain as well as promote a healthy blood clot and help the healing process. To aid you in your recovery process, we have listed some helpful tips below. If you have any questions regarding the healing process, please do not hesitate to contact us. * Stick to soft foods after treatment to avoid irritation to the gums. * Avoid smoking as it inhibits healing. * Limit movement of your jaw after surgery. Avoid opening the mouth all the way for the first couple of days. You can begin to do this once you feel comfortable. * Keep a steady flow of salt water rinses throughout the recovery period. Mix one teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water, and gently swish the solution in your mouth for thirty seconds, then spit out the water. Repeat this process at least four times a day to promote healing and to help remove blood clots and debris from the surgical site. * Take any prescribed antibiotics or pain medication as instructed by our office. If you are concerned about potential side effects, please discuss your concerns with our staff. * Rinse and repeat the same saltwater mouthwash until you are cleared to do so at home. * Maintain proper dental hygiene as you heal. Continue to brush and floss every day, paying special attention to the surgical area. * Visit one of our offices after a week to have your stitches removed. * Visit us again during your regular cleaning appointments so we can monitor the healing of your gums. Relax! The healing process takes time, but following these tips will help to ensure that you have a good post-operative experience. Get in touch with Darren Gonzalez, DDS, at 1515 Montgomery Drive Ste B, Santa Rosa, CA 95405, or call (707) 542-1532 for the best dental care tailored to your unique needs.


1515 Montgomery Drive Ste B,
Santa Rosa, CA 95405

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